So you want to get YOUR word out.
Dilemma 1: TV commercial, Radio commercial, Internet Ad, Explainer video??
Oh My! Dilemma 2: Use a real human voice vs AI voice?
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My vote? HUMAN!
You may be wondering why you should use a Voice Over for your business and if you need a human voice over vs a computer AI voice? Isn’t a computer voice just as good? Well, I don’t think so and here is why…
It would be vital that you would want your customers to relate to your service, product or training video and also quickly recognize that it is you or your company’s brand. So whether it’s a radio commercial, TV commercial, eLearning or Explainer video, a professional human Voice Over can . . .
- deliver your message quickly and clearly. You can explain to a human.
- communicate emotion and feeling. It can touch the heart of the listener
- reach millions of listeners in a manner that moves them to take action.
- persuade your listeners to take action quicker.
- human voice can connect with audience.
“A real Voice Over is great to listen to. It can have a calming effect, a stirring effect, a soothing effect. Since it’s from a human, its message reaches the heart. A computer voice (although pretty sophisticated these days) can not relate emotion. Its voice is soul-less. Cold and clinical. There is something about it that leaves its listeners feeling cold. ~Sarah Jackson“
It is also important when it comes to marketing your business therefore, to have a human voice and using the same Voice Over throughout can create brand recognition. The voice you use throughout becomes the voice that is easily recognized to represent your brand and it will help to drive up your sales and increase productivity.
Recent studies have proven that people are able to remember words better when they are spoken by a voice that is familiar to them. So choosing the right voice over artist is crucial and you would want to use a professionally trained VO to deliver your message to guarantee that your your message is heard the way you want. A trained voice over artist vs an AI can do this. VO artists perfect their art.
Male vs Female
So which voice would you choose? A male or a female?
According to a recent study by Harris International, a female voice is more likely to come across as being more trustworthy, soothing and calming than a male voice. Therefore it is a more preferred choice to have a female voice over. The female voice is perceived as more emotional and intimate.
Studies have shown that the human brain has evolved to trust high-pitched voices more than lower-pitched ones. That is not to say that you should not choose a male voice. A male voice comes across as being more authoritative. So, it is an important point to consider when choosing the right voice.
One of the most important points to remember about using a professional voice over is that the trained voice artist will instinctively know how to target your audience with their voice. Adapting and using different tones in their voice they are able to engage your listener, giving your video a personality that is relatable and keeps listeners interested. Interestingly the most crucial aspect of your e-learning video or explainer video is the voiceover. It is the part that cements the whole presentation together and adds an air of professionalism with a human touch.
Voice in Social Media
Businesses are using video now more than ever in their marketing strategies to reach their target audience. With the increasing number of sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Instagram, You Tube, etc., it is the norm now to advertise on these platforms. It’s easy to upload video on to these and they are accessible and affordable. Not everyone has the time to watch these videos which is why adding a voice to the video is all the more important. Your message can be communicated while your listener is actively doing something else.
Passion in communication
Also hearing a voice that is engaging and emotive touches the heart of the listener far more effectively than the use of visuals. For example, listening to the radio the listener does not have to be actively watching the screen to understand the message and identify your business brand. One of the reasons why Radio has been so successful is that the listener just has to listen and upon hearing a human voice the message immediately transports directly to the heart of the listener. It’s the human touch here which is important.
Have a story to tell or a product to sell and you need a voice? I would be delighted to send you a free demo of your script. Having spent many years as a teacher and continually training with Gravy for the Brain, I am well placed to bring your story to life by Keeping the Magic in the Telling.
respectfully submitted by Sarah Jackson and DL Merlin